Kentucky Trip!



So, this past week our Church Youth Group got to go to a Youth Conference in Lexington, Kentucky! You will see in the pictures that there was a lot of good preaching! But we got to go with Williamsburg Independent Bible Baptist Church so I am thankful for them letting us go with them! Having eight hour’s to travel back on a bus it’s perfect for writing a blog! Wednesday Morning we left around 7:30 and got to Kentucky around 5:00 just in time for the first service on Wednesday night.  Dr. Jim Jorgensen, the Executive Vice President at Commonwealth Baptist College was preaching first and then after his Sermon, we got to hear Dr. William Davis!


On Thursday Morning, we got to hear Chris Dallas and Dr. Jim Jorgensen!  We went on  an activity they had for us that afternoon.  We went Roller Skating, Mini Golf, Soccer Ball, and Laser Tag!  Later that evening, we went to tour Commonwealth College! Which was amazing. 

Friday Night, we got to hear Pastor Jeff Fugate, the Pastor of Claysmill Baptist Church in Lexington, Kentucky  We also heard Dr. Justin Cooper and Dr. William Davis.

I really enjoyed my time in Kentucky.  The messages really spoke to me throughout the conference.  Most of them were about getting on the boat for God! With their theme being Launch Forth and with most message’s being in Luke chapters 5-10! They preached a lot about the things in the boat (your life) and how there might be some things that hinder you in your Christian life that you need to throw out of your boat (music, movies, and whatever hinder’s you not to serve the Lord better)!

They also talked about having a walk with God. I always lived in a Christian home being a Pastor’s daughter.  I always was  around Church and was always told you need to start your walk with God early in life.  I was taught when you start anything in life, God is in it with you! I almost always read my Bible or at least read a verse, if I woke up late.  Hearing almost every preacher talk about having a walk with God, really convicted me about actually having a REAL walk with God and not just going through the motions! But that is just two of things they were talking about they had tons of amazing messages!

Here are some photos from my amazing trip!


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