I have never done an Easter basket for my children yet and really I never received an Easter basket. We always had a big Easter egg hunt with all the cousins (and believe me, that was plenty! We didn’t miss an Easter basket.) This year though, I thought it might be nice to do something small now that Hannah and Leah are old enough to enjoy it! I didn’t want to do anything expensive or with a

This basket cost me $5! (not including the Easter pick) and everything is from the Dollar Tree!! They have TONS of Easter basket goodies and for only $1 it was hard to only pick 4 things! I already had the tissue paper on hand and the baskets were a perfect little size that 4 things were all I needed to fill it! The Easter pick is optional, but I thought it would add a cute touch!
It doesn’t always take a lot of money to do something special for you kids!
I tried to do these baskets up and take the pictures during the girls’ naps. Hannah woke up right as I was finishing up so these won’t be a surprise to her. She informed me “But, I CAN’T wait till Easter!!” So, I think they’ll like these baskets!