365 Children


Saving Lives Through Prayer and Faith

59.1 Million & 15.1 Million

These are not just numbers that are hard to fathom but are the numbers of children who have been and still are in need. We have become so focused on our “American lifestyle” and keeping ourselves so busy that we have forgotten that there is still a lost and dying world.

“Even so it is not the will of your Father which is in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish.” Matthew 18:14

Let me be honest. I knew that there were children being aborted daily. I also knew that there were orphans in need of families. Yet, I could not picture it all. I had no idea that there have been 59.1 million children aborted since 1973. I also didn’t know that there are 15.1 million orphans in the world right now. When I looked into it my eyes were opened a little.

 In December of 2017, The Lord was molding my prayer time with Him and was making it more precious than it had ever been before. God placed it on my heart to try and work on my faith in Him. That is when 365 Children came to mind. I knew if I had enough Faith in my God, the One that made the entire universe, that I could accomplish some BIG things.

“Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy.” Psalms 82:3

Two groups of Children were laid on my heart. Orphans and Children in the womb. So, I made a decision that I was going to pray that God would save 365 Children in the Womb this year and 365 Orphans in 2018. I am putting faith in my God that He will do so. The number 365 also represents the days that I will commit to pray for these “little ones” in 2018. I may not know who they are and may never know, but God does and I trust that if I do my part, God will do His. The number may not be as big as 15.1 million or 59.1 million, but 730 children are far better than the 10 I prayed for in 2017.

“Open thy mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy.” Proverbs 31:9

When I read this verse two people come to my mind, George Muller and Gladys Aylward. Both of these people lived sacrificially and gave so much to help the poor and needy. George Muller cared for 10,000 + orphans and Gladys Aylward cared for 100 orphans as she traveled for 12 days through China during wartime.  If you have never heard of either of these people, please look into the extraordinary ways they impacted the lives of children. Below there are two books that I loved reading. For a quick read, I have linked short Bios for you.

We are called to make a difference, take action, and be a voice in prayer for these children! It doesn’t mean you can’t take a stand. Step out of your comfort zone. Wear clothes that represent you being pro-Life.     God loves these children as much as he loves you and me.

You may not be called to the mission field but we are all called to pray. Widen your prayer spectrum and pray for these “little ones” Take the commitment with me and pray for these children every day and be able to say at the end of the year “I prayed for 365 children.”


Bound 4 Life Paraphernalia:

Gladys Aylward:

George Muller:

6 thoughts on “365 Children”

  1. Great challenge, Danielle! Convicting thoughts. I’ll be putting “365 children” on my prayer list & will pray with you!

  2. Misty wrightson

    I know the prayers for the ones in the womb are mainly concerning abortion, but I have one in the womb that I would love to be included in the prayers! Im 42 and had a miscarriage a few years ago. So, while it’s scary I also know God put this baby here for a reason. I was touched by your 365!

    1. Danielle Patterson

      Mrs. Writghson, I would be so glad to include you and the baby in my prayers. Make sure you keep me up to date with what is going on.

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